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这里的内容来自链接 : Why companies prefer hiring PhDs
这次参观了一下字节跳动的AI Lab, 确实算法的岗位现在是有些饱和的状态。也正好看到的上面的这篇文章,讲了关于如何提升算法岗位的竞争力(他本来是在说为什么PhD会更有竞争力, 我们也可以看一下我们需要改进的地方),所以想放在这里,这些点也希望可以自己可以慢慢学习做到。
- PhDs bring real expertise in their areas. We need expertise in cutting-edge methods and technologies and it's unlikely that people who haven't spent a lot of time immersed in the topic area would have that knowledge.
- PhDs have experience doing long-term research. People we hire may be given open problems or projects that they tackle for a year at at a time. We usually spend the first month or going in some direction and then realise it's the wrong direction. If candidates haven't had previous long-term research experience they might not be able to do this well (adapt and persist).
- PhDs have experience doing research on their own. Even when you do a Masters most of it is taught to you.
The reasons seem to fit into two categories: direct domain expertise and research experience. The 'research experience' qualities are more vague and don't come only with a PhD, but it's accepted that the probability of PhD students doing well in long-term research is higher because they have done it. So when companies can choose to hire almost exclusively PhDs which have proven research experience, why wouldn't they? It decreases risk and filters out candidates in hiring, and hiring is costly.
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