Why You Should Always Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them

王 茂南 2019年7月28日07:46:45
摘要这一篇文章讲一下为什么新衣服穿之前需要进行清洗, 正好自己看到之前也不是很了解, 就在这里记录一下.


正巧是看到一篇科普的文章, 讲为什么新衣服在穿之前需要清洗, 之前也是一直不知道, 就记录在这里. 下面是原文的链接.

原文链接Why You Should Always Wash New Clothes Before Wearing Them


我不完全按照原文的顺序来讲, 我就直接罗列新衣服不洗直接穿会带来的坏处和原因. 我会先用中文叙述一下, 后面放一下原文(怕我讲的不到位)

会导致接触性过敏皮炎(Allergic contact dermatitis)

衣服的一些合成材料中包含disperse dyes, 而出汗或是摩擦会使得这个从衣服中渗透出来. 同时一些现在的流行的运动装备是接触性过敏皮炎的罪魁祸首. 通过对衣服的清洗, 我们能够去除一些额外的染色剂, 减少其与皮肤的接触.

When we see allergic contact dermatitis from clothing, it's usually from disperse dyes.

Disperse dyes are primarily used in synthetic clothing materials like polyester and nylon. And they may be present at higher levels in a brand-new, unwashed article of clothing.

Sweating and friction can cause disperse dye to leach out of clothing. Synthetic workout gear—the shiny, stretchy, water-repelling materials that are so popular nowadays are often the culprit for allergic contact dermatitis.

By washing new clothing, you might remove a little extra dye and so have a lower exposure.


有人在商城中选取了各种材质, 各种价位和各种款式的衣服, 发现其中大部分都含有一种化学物质quinoline, 其中在涤纶材质的衣服中这种化学成分尤其多, 同时这种化学成分是一种"possible human carcinogen".

A type of chemical compound called "quinoline" (or one of its derivatives) found in some samples, and the levels of this chemical tended to be especially high in polyester garments. Quinoline is used in clothing dyes, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified it as a "possible human carcinogen" based on some studies linking it to "tumor-initiating activity" in mice—though the agency also states that no human studies have been conducted to assess the cancer-causing potential of quinoline.


除了上面讲到的会含有quinoline的成分, 其中还会含有一些其他的化学成分, 这些化学成分也会带来健康的问题对人体, 主要包括nitroanilinesbenzothiazoles

同时, 在制作衣服的时候, 会使用防污剂、彩色紧固件、抗皱剂、柔软增强剂等一些化学物质, 这些物质厂家不会直接告诉给消费者. 这些物质也可能会对人体产生危害.

Nitroanilines and benzothiazoles, two more chemical compounds that turn up in clothing and that lab and animal evidence has linked to potential adverse health effects, including cancer.

Clothing is often treated with stain-repellents, color-fasteners, anti-wrinkle agents, softness-enhancers, and any number of other chemical treatments. Clothing manufacturers don't have to disclose any of these to customers, and many of the chemicals, including a popular type of waterproofing chemical called fluorosurfactants (often referred to as PFAS), have little or no research backing their safety. Not only could these chemicals pose health risks to people, but they also end up in the air and water supplies, where they could do further harm.


那么是否穿一些天然的材质做成的衣服就会好些呢, 其实并不是. 因为标签上只会协商百分百纯棉, 不会写上他在制造过程中使用的化学成分和添加剂.

Some of the research on clothing suggests synthetic materials may be treated with more chemicals than natural fibers such as cotton. But there's really no label indicator or certification that signals a garment is chemical-free.

What's maddening for the consumer is that you buy a shirt that says "100% cotton," and yet you're given no information about any of the chemicals or additives that have been used.


所以, 我们在穿新的衣服之前一定要进行清洗. 清洗可以出除去在衣服制造过程中的一些化学物质.

It's always in your best interest to wash clothing before wearing. Washing new clothes can reduces the content of chemicals, especially residual chemicals that may be left over from the manufacturing process.

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王 茂南
  • 本文由 发表于 2019年7月28日07:46:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://mathpretty.com/10862.html


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