文章目录(Table of Contents)
这里是当我们resubmit an article的时候, 写给编辑的信的格式. 关于修改的一些准则, 还有包括如何回复reviewers提出的问题.
- LIST HOW you addressed each and every one of them. (详细描述你是如何解决每一个问题的)
- Detail all the changes that were asked of you and how you made them. (对于每一个改变, 详细的标出)
- If you have an issue with some point, then address WHY you don't find it relevant. (对于一些不相关的issue, 可以写出为什么你觉得不需要修改)
Half of the game at this point is your ability to accept and implement feedback, and the other half to appear grateful and collegial. (这个是关键, 需要有礼貌的和编辑交流, 同时接受他的反馈并作出修改)
以下的例子来源于: Revision letter example--SEP NET
首先是需要写一封答复的邮件, 表示礼貌.
Dear Editor, Journal of Make-believe
We would like to thank you for the letter dated xx/xx/xxxx, and the opportunity to resubmit a revised copy of this manuscript. We would also like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to the reviewers for the positive feedback and helpful comments for correction or modification.
We believe have resulted in an improved revised manuscript, which you will find uploaded alongside this document. The manuscript has been revised to address the reviewer comments, which are appended alongside our responses to this letter.
We very much hope the revised manuscript is accepted for publication in Journal.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Peter Pan
接着对于每一个Reviewer提出的comment, 我们分别来进行回答. 大概如下面这样的形式.
![[Email]-Revision Letter的写法](https://img.mathpretty.com/20191004_103024_a6oz5z1.jpg)
以下的例子参考自下面的链接: Sample Response to Revision Request
October 15, 2013 (日期)
Re: Resubmission of manuscript Primary Cesarean Delivery Among Pandas, ONG 13-XXXX (这里需要包含你第一次提交的时候的manuscript number)
The Editors
Obstetrics & Gynecology
409 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024-2188
Dear Editors:
Thank you for the opportunity to revise our manuscript, Primary Cesarean Among Pandas. We appreciate the careful review and constructive suggestions. It is our belief that the manuscript is substantially improved after making the suggested edits. (一些套话, 感谢对文章的建议, 和文章已经得到了改善)
Following this letter are the editor and reviewer comments with our responses in italics,
including how and where the text was modified. Changes made in the manuscript are marked
using track changes. [Helpful hint(一些说明): I turn off track changes as I revise the manuscript but do "compare document" to the original submission at the end (otherwise my resubmission would look like this: Our The This Our study . . .).]
The revision has been developed in consultation with all coauthors, and each author has given approval to the final form of this revision. The agreement form signed by
each author remains valid.
We agree with the classification of the paper as Level III evidence. Thank you for your consideration.
Annelee Boyle, MD
我们需要针对每一个reviewer提出的问题, 我们可以将相似的问题进行归纳, 来进行回答. 例如下面的例子, 我们将三个问题进行归类来进行回答, 同时给每一个问题标上序号.
- 1a. The abstract might better differentiate among the three categories.
- 1b. The data in the abstract don’t support the conclusions in the abstract.
- 1c. Probably should rewrite this part so that the methods are reflected in the results that then support the conclusions.
Thank you for these observations. We have rewritten the abstract to better differentiate
among the objectives and edited so that the methods are reflected in the results and the data
support the conclusions.
对于一些没有进行修改的敌方, 我们要进行原因的说明.
We agree that the association of obesity with higher cesarean rate is important, but this
relationship has already been explored in detail in another publication [Doe AB, Rae CD,
Me EF, et al. Panda body mass index: a strong association with delivery route. Panda Obstet
Gynecol. 2010;100(1):X-Y]. We have added this as a reference, but chose not to devote an
entire paragraph to discussing BMI, given the prior work and space limitations. If the editor
would like us to expand, we can do so.
在增加文章内容的时候, 要标出是在哪一行进行增加的.
We agree with the reviewer and have added the following sentences in the introduction
(lines XX–XX): "Cesarean delivery in pandas is associated with higher morbidity and
mortality than vaginal births. Cesarean delivery also increases the risk of abnormal
placentation in subsequent pregnancies, which can lead to uterine rupture, placenta
accreta, hemorrhage, hysterectomy, and maternal death."
We revised the methods section (lines XX–XX) to include this information:
对于文章部分内容进行重写. 按照下面的方式进行说明.
The abstract and results have been rewritten, taking into account your critique and the
critique of Reviewer 1.
图片或表格多余的时候, 我们需要将其进行删除.
问题: Table 6 and Figure 1 are not necessary, as their information is adequately covered in the text.
回复: We removed table 6 and figure 1 as recommended and have ensured that the information is
now included in the text.
关于我同意, 可以使用"We concur".
最终对于每一个reviewer, 我们最终的格式是这个样子的:
- 复述问题
- 描述问题的解决
![[Email]-Revision Letter的写法](https://img.mathpretty.com/20191004_101538_xfdsuqo.jpg)
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