文章目录(Table of Contents)
之前有一篇文章主要介绍了Introduction的结构和一些好词好句, 但是例子就只举了一个例子. 这一篇文章, 主要会结合一些Introduction的例子, 来分析Introduction的结构和一些写法 (这里应该就是纯的例子的分析了).
- Moustafa, Nour, and Jill Slay. "The evaluation of Network Anomaly Detection Systems: Statistical analysis of the UNSW-NB15 data set and the comparison with the KDD99 data set." Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 25, no. 1-3 (2016): 18-31.
我感觉这一篇文章的Introduction写得"不是很好(我觉得, 就是不是很符合特点)", 所以我就摘录一些好的表达.
The goal of the three aspects is to evaluate the complexity of the training and testing sets.
The objective of the paper is(本文的目的是) to analyse the UNSW-NB15 data set statistically and practically. First, ... To be clear, if a data set follows Gaussian distribution, many statistical algorithms, for instance, HMM and Kalman filter are used. However, if a data set does not fit Gaussian distribution, other algorithms, for example, particle filter and mixture models are applied. Second, in the practical aspect, the adoption of the best attributes decrease false alarm rates and reduce the execution costs. For that purpose, feature correlations with label and without label are demonstrated.
[文章结构描述] [ The rest of this paper is organised as follows: Section 2 describes the UNSW-NB15 data set. Section 3 discusses the training and the testing sets extracted from this data set. Section 4 discusses the statistical mechanisms used on the two sets. Section 5 presents the feature correlation methods. Section 6 identifies(展示) the classification techniques which are involved to evaluate the complexity of the KDD99 and UNSW-NB15 data sets. Section 7 presents the experimental results of the statistical techniques, the feature correlations, and the complexity evaluation. Finally, section 8 provides a conclusion to the paper and examines the future research area. ]
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