文章目录(Table of Contents)
这一部分简单介绍一下Recurrent Neural Network(RNN)的内容。主要会包括普通RNN(包括deeper的情况下和Bidirectional RNN), LSTM, GRU介绍。并简单介绍一下计算的方式,简单使用PyTorch进行实验。这一部分还是主要是为了熟悉RNN的基本内容。
关于RNN基础介绍资料 : Recurrent Neural Networks Tutorial, Part 1 – Introduction to RNNs
关于LSTM和GRU介绍资料 : Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial, Part 4 – Implementing a GRU/LSTM RNN with Python and Theano
详细介绍LSTM的资料(这里介绍的LSTM很详细, 十分建议自己看一遍, 他一步一步教你LSTM是如何操作的) : Understanding LSTM Networks
BPTT的推导(这是一个推导的pdf, 内容很详细) : Gradients for an RNN
一些RNN的应用介绍(这里也会有RNN的大概的介绍, 但是更多的是应用的介绍) : The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
- The idea behind RNNs is to make use of sequential information. In a traditional neural network we assume that all inputs (and outputs) are independent of each other. But for many tasks that's a very bad idea.(在传统的网络中, 我们假设input内部相互之间是没有关系的, 或是output的内部之间也是没有相互关系的)
- 同时input的长度需要时固定长度的。
- 同时, 我们输入的input相同, output也会是相同的。但有时我们需要input相同但是output是不同的。例如下面的例子
- 下面两个句子, 有着相同的word, 如果用 word of bag表示是一样的;
- 但是这两句话表达的情感是不一样的, 如果使用Fully Connection Network上面是无法分类的.(即相同的input, 但是output不同)
- White blood cells destroying an infection. -> Positive
- An infection destroying white blood cells. -> Negative
下面是一个典型的RNN网络的结构。A recurrent neural network can be thought of as multiple copies of the same network, each passing a message to a successor.
Simple RNN
- input : 输入为X
- h表示hidden state,相当于我们所说的记忆。(我们可以看到hidden每次都会被抹去, 之后LSTM会有所改进)
- output是y,y的计算会与输入x与记忆h有关
整体的一个计算的式子如下所示,其中W_ih表示上图的W_i(也就是input乘的系数), W_hh表示上图的W_h(也就是hidden state的系数)
RNN can be deep
相当于每一层都有一个hidden state, 这里的h和b都是表示hidden state。当然,在具体写的时候,只需要修改num_layer的参数即可。(具体Pytorch中RNN的使用看下面讲Bidirectional RNN, 双向RNN)
Bidirectional RNN
关于使用Bidirectional RNN(双向RNN)的好处为, 可以使得Network看的范围更加广了,因为network不仅从句首看到句末,也从句末看到句首;
关于Bidirectional RNN的结构如下所示,可以看到有上下两个方向的RNN, 一个是从x1向x3, 一个是x3向x1(看输入).
在PyTorch中,我们只需要设置bidirectional = True即可。如下所示。
- # ------------------------------
- # layer=1, bidirectional双向网络
- # -----------------------------
- N_INPUT = 4 # number of features in input
- N_OUTPUT = 2 #number of features in output
- N_BATCHSIZE = 3 # batchsize in input
- N_LAYERS = 1
- x_batch = torch.tensor([[[1,2,3,0],[4,5,6,1],[2,7,8,9]],[[1,2,3,0],[4,5,6,1],[2,7,8,9]],[[1,0,0,1],[1,1,0,0],[1,1,1,1]]]).float()
- # 初始化网络
- rnn = nn.RNN(input_size = N_INPUT, hidden_size = N_OUTPUT, num_layers = N_LAYERS, nonlinearity = 'relu', bias = False, bidirectional = True)
- # 初始化网络的系数
- rnn.weight_ih_l0.data = torch.ones(N_OUTPUT,N_INPUT).float()
- rnn.weight_hh_l0.data = 0.5*torch.ones(N_OUTPUT,N_OUTPUT)
- rnn.weight_ih_l0_reverse.data = 0.5*torch.ones(N_OUTPUT,N_INPUT)
- rnn.weight_hh_l0_reverse.data = 0.5*torch.ones(N_OUTPUT,N_OUTPUT)
- # 初始化memory
- initial_memory = torch.zeros(N_LAYERS*2, N_BATCHSIZE, N_OUTPUT)
- output, h_n = rnn(x_batch,initial_memory)
- rnn = nn.RNNCell(input_size=2, hidden_size=2, bias=False, nonlinearity='relu')
- # 初始化rnn的weight
- rnn.weight_ih.data = torch.ones(2,2)
- rnn.weight_hh.data = -2*torch.ones(2,2)
在使用RNNCell的时候,input需要自己来传入(可能讲的不怎么对, 我自己一般不用RNNCell)。
- # 其实就是把上一次的输出值, 作为输出输入下一次的网络
- # 可以看到输入一样的值, 但是输出是不一样的
- input = torch.ones(2, 1, 2)
- print(input)
- print('=====')
- hx = torch.ones(1, 2)
- print(hx)
- print('=====')
- output = []
- for i in range(2):
- hx = rnn(input[i], hx)
- print(hx)
- print(rnn.weight_ih) # input-hidden weights
- print(rnn.weight_hh) # hidden-hidden weights
- output.append(hx)
- print('===')
Simple RNN的问题
上面我们介绍了最简单的RNN,但是实际在使用的时候Simple RNN会有一些缺点,并且比较难被训练(这个之后讲BPTT的时候会讲到, 讲RNN的反向传播)
Sometimes, we only need to look at recent information to perform the present task. For example, consider a language model trying to predict the next word based on the previous ones. If we are trying to predict the last word in "the clouds are in the sky," we don't need any further context – it's pretty obvious the next word is going to be sky. In such cases, where the gap between the relevant information and the place that it's needed is small, RNNs can learn to use the past information.(有些时候,比如预测上下问,我们只需要关注前面的一个或几个单词,不会距离太远,如下图中我们认为h3是与x1有关的)
But there are also cases where we need more context. Consider trying to predict the last word in the text "I grew up in France… I speak fluent French." Recent information suggests that the next word is probably the name of a language, but if we want to narrow down which language, we need the context of France, from further back. It's entirely possible for the gap between the relevant information and the point where it is needed to become very large.(但有的时候,我们预测的词与前面有关联的词会相距比较远的距离。就像下图所示,h_t+1与x_1有关, 但是他们相隔很远)
Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)-1997
- LSTM也是只有短期记忆(short-term), 只不过会比Simple RNN长一些(通过gate来进行控制);
- LSTM有3*gate+1*input, 参数是普通的RNN的四倍;
- 通过操作3个gate, 使得memory不会被每次清除;
我们看一下LSTM的基本结构,他会有三个gate来控制input, forget和output,大致的示意图如下所示。
我们来看一下具体的计算的过程,下图中左边使用红色标出的序号与右边的计算的式子相互对应。可以看到,有四个参数z为输入, z_i控制input gate, z_f控制forget gate, z_o控制output gate.
- input gate控制input date的输入.
- forget gate控制是否遗忘cell state(之前的记忆)
- 接着产生新的记忆, 即进入input gate的值和经过forget gate的值(原来在memory中的值)
- 最后产生的值经过output gate
那么,控制三个gate的参数, z_i, z_f和z_f都是什么呢。下面简单解释一下。(下图可以点击查看大图)
我们可以理解为这三个系数, 是我们将输入x_t和上一次的hidden state拼接, 通过乘系数W得到的. 这里的系数是需要学习得到的。所以LSTM需要学习的系数的个数是Simple RNN的四倍(这里会有四个系数,分别对应下右图中的W_ii(input gate), W_if(forget gate), W_io(output gate)和W_ig)。
我们注意到,与Simple RNN比较, 在LSTM中, Cell State的值不会每次都被遗忘掉。
我们还需要注意到,Simple RNN就是一个特殊的LSTM,当把input gate和output gate全部设置为1,forget gate全部设置为0即可。
If you fix the input gate all 1's, the forget gate to all 0's (you always forget the previous memory) and the output gate to all 1's (you expose the whole memory) you almost get standard RNN.
- # -------------
- # LSTM, layer=1
- # -------------
- N_INPUT = 4 # number of features in input
- N_OUTPUT = 2 #number of features in output
- N_BATCHSIZE = 3 # batchsize in input
- N_LAYERS = 1
- x_batch = torch.tensor([[[1,2,3,0],[4,5,6,1],[2,7,8,9]],[[1,0,0,1],[1,1,0,0],[1,1,1,1]]]).float()
- # 初始化网络
- rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size = N_INPUT, hidden_size = N_OUTPUT, num_layers = N_LAYERS, bias = False, bidirectional = False)
- # 初始化网络的系数
- # 参数出现的顺序, W_ii|W_if|W_ig|W_io
- parameters = torch.ones(4*N_OUTPUT,N_INPUT)
- parameters[2:4] = 2*parameters[2:4]
- parameters[4:6] = 3*parameters[4:6]
- parameters[6:8] = 4*parameters[6:8]
- rnn.weight_ih_l0.data = parameters
- parameters = 0.5*torch.ones(4*N_OUTPUT,N_OUTPUT)
- parameters[2:4] = 2*parameters[2:4]
- parameters[4:6] = 3*parameters[4:6]
- parameters[6:8] = 4*parameters[6:8]
- rnn.weight_hh_l0.data = parameters
- # 初始化memory
- h0 = torch.zeros(N_LAYERS, N_BATCHSIZE, N_OUTPUT)
- c0 = torch.zeros(N_LAYERS, N_BATCHSIZE, N_OUTPUT)
- output, (hn, cn) = rnn(x_batch,(c0,h0))
需要注意的是,LSTM是有两个hidden state(可以这么称呼),传入的时候也是需要有c_n(这个更像是memory)和h_n(h_n是和这个的output是相同的,可以看下面LSTM的输出)。
LSTM can be deep
同样,LSTM也是可以多层网络进行叠加的。我们具体看下面的这个图片。图片来源 : Clarification regarding the return of nn.GRU
Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)-2014
关于GRU的相关内容,可以查看链接 : 人人都能看懂的GRU,这里有一些介绍。
- 上面的R_t表示reset gate,Z_t表示update gate
- The reset gate determines how to combine the new input with the previous memory.(其中reset gate的作用是来决定我们如何结合新的input和之前的memory)
- The update gate defines how much of the previous memory to keep around.(update的作用是我们如何结合之前的memory和现在的memory)
- If we set the reset to all 1's and update gate to all 0's we again arrive at our plain RNN model.(GRU与普通RNN的关系)
- 这里(1-z)相当于input gate
- Z相当于是forget gate(图上写错了, 不是output gate,应该是forget gate)
- 在这里input gate和forget gate是联动的, 若input gate大, 即输入的多, 那么forget gate小, 忘记的多.
- GRU比LSTM少1/3的参数;
- 但是, GRU几乎拥有与LSTM相同的效果;
- # ------------------------------
- # GRU, layer=1
- # -----------------------------
- N_INPUT = 4 # number of features in input
- N_OUTPUT = 2 #number of features in output
- N_BATCHSIZE = 3 # batchsize in input
- N_LAYERS = 1
- x_batch = torch.tensor([[[1,2,3,0],[4,5,6,1],[2,7,8,9]],[[1,0,0,1],[1,1,0,0],[1,1,1,1]]]).float()
- # 初始化网络
- rnn = nn.GRU(input_size = N_INPUT, hidden_size = N_OUTPUT, num_layers = N_LAYERS, bias = False, bidirectional = False)
- # 初始化memory
- h0 = torch.zeros(N_LAYERS, N_BATCHSIZE, N_OUTPUT)
- output, hn = rnn(x_batch,h0)
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